Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lyric of the Day

I made the decision on Saturday night that I was going to start being true to myself and will start living my authentic life. I have become the ultimate people pleaser and have put my wants, needs, desires and enjoyments to the side. I always do what other people want to do and finally on Saturday I snapped. I preached living the authentic life, was always a happy-go-lucky, "ain't nothing-gonna-get-me-down" kinda person, yet I was not being true to myself. I have coasted on through the year, and I won't lie, I have had a marvellous time with my friends, but now I feel that it is time to make time for me. I also think that the choice to remain single, and "unbound" is the right choice for me. But hey, that's just me rattling off some silliness really. I will still have fun, I will still have fun with my friends, but I need to have fun for myself too.

"This ride that takes me through life
Leads me into darkness but emerges into light
No one can ever slow me down
I'll stay unbound"
- Unbound by Avenged Sevenfold

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"There's nothing here to take for granted
With each breath that we take
The hands of time strip youth from our bodies and we fade
Memories remain... as time goes on"