I hate the way they move, the way they look, the way they leave a "snail trail" behind when they slime their way across my path, I hate the way they eat my plants. They are gross. Capital G. GROSS. They make me shiver, they make me nauseous. I wish they did not exist, what is their purpose?
It turns out, through reading and research that they form part of the food chain, they eat poop and are then eaten by other animals. They are essentially food. I am sure the world can do without these creatures. Frick! I dislike them. However I understand the delicate ecological balance and that by removing said slug it would cause a devastating ripple effect in the food chain. Grin and bear it they say.
Paul suggested I leave a bottle of beer in my garden. Drunken snails. Now there's an idea. But what good would it do to kill them. At what rate do these things multiply and why are they in my bedroom? I have come to an understanding that the world needs them, I dislike them, but I have to tolerate them. I have had a few instances where they have been on me, turning me into the screeching, screaming, leaping 25 year old girl that I am. Drama.
Below is the perfect example of why slugs are evil.
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American McGee's Alice in Wonderland - being attacked by a GIANT SNAIL! |
Agreed. I have irrational molluscophobia, and snails are the grossest, weirdest, slimiest, ugliest, creepiest creatures on earth.
They are gross. Nothing is going to change my mind about them. I seriously wish they would just disappear! Ew!
Agreed. The funny thing is, I like them plenty (however, I don't love them), but whenever I see them, I panic. If I see one within a foot near me, I am not even exaggerating when I say that I get lightheaded. I even jump a little when I see them in pictures. I thought I was such a weirdo, because no one I knew had molluscophobia. It's nice to know that other people have it.
Yes I hate them too...
I have a rabbit and they were circling the cage and trying to get up using the legs of the rabbit hutch. I was terrified to touch them. what i am going to do is put bowls of water and salt underneath the four legs of the rabbit hutch and hopefully the will drown...
Ugghhh. Just talking about them is horrible. I hate it when it rains and I go out and the paths are strewn with huge fat slugs. THERE ARE SO MANY, where I live anyway. I thought I was just being silly, it's good to see others hate them too.
Definitely. I've been terrified of them since before I can remember. I used to think it was irrational, but I'm so glad it's not!
I too have this phobia. Mulloscophobia they call it. I also have Scoleciphobia - fear of earthworms. They say these can be traced back to an incident. I can remember two… When I was about nine years old, I caught a banana slug and I kept it as a pet. One night it got out and I woke up with it crawling across my face. Shortly thereafter, a petsitter left its tank in the sun and it died, leaving me really upset about its horrible death. I can also remember being sad and traumatized when a rain shower would pass and I'd see the earthworm dying on the cement. I'd rescue them and move them elsewhere, but then one day this disorder just occurred and I haven't been able to touch anything without a spine since then (except for a sea cucumber in a petting pool at an aquarium). The worst thing is when people find out about these phobias. They don't get that it's a life and death, omg-I-need-a-f*ing-straight-jacket-now seriousness. I'm trying to find a place where I can figure out what to do about this issue as its affecting my relationships. Please email me, at least so I can talk to someone else that has this, that is, the author or anyone reading this. My email is indigo.child86@yahoo.com Thanks.
I'm more than relieved I'm not the only one with this thing. I'm severe mulloscophobic ever since I was a little child; I nearly cired when once, at about the age of 4-5, I naively ran into the middle of the backyard after a severe rain, only to realise by then to be surrounded by snails. I had a hard time panicking and almost died there.
Which makes it even more ridiculous that I'm fuckin' male.
I know exactly how you feel, i am probably worse, I am shit scared of slugs. If i see a slug I will stop instantly, go into shock, hyperventilate and shiver until someone says "dude, what the fuck r u doing". I'm not so bad with snails they are a bit more peaceful. But slugs, Fuck Off. This is probably because I have had some bad experiences with them when i was younger. My family went to Cornwall, left my sandles outside one night... I think you can guess what happens next. I will leave your imagination to that part. My family recently moved to Dubai from Moscow. In Moscow i never ran into a slug, and i didn't notice until i moved. I thought ha, Dubai, hot place, +35, no slugs lolz. WRONG! sprinklers turn on the nightmare begins.
Hahaha, don't mean to laugh but your last comment made me laugh so much! I can relate. My mom says that I once walked into the garden as a toddler and came back inside with a slug dangling from my mouth. The thought of this makes me run cold. I still scream when I see them! I don't see them serving a purpose other then food and I am pretty sure there are other insects out there!
Hello! Thanks for the comment. Sounds like you are such a caring individual. I don't know if mine is a crippling fear to the extent that yours sounds like. I hope that you are speaking to someone professional to alleviate and treat your fears. I wish you all the best. Update me :)
Hahaha shame. Yeah they are gross as shit. I have seen one walk into my bedroom and I screamed and ran back out. I was 27 at the time. Yip, a full grown ass woman. I had my younger sister remove the offending beast. I live in South Africa so they come with the rains (which is the whole Summer). As far as I am concerned, out of sight, out of mind. Stay sane :)
It feels so good that I'm not the only one afraid of slugs! I'm okay with snails for some reason, as long as they're not huge, but I just can't handle slugs. In the area where I live there's plenty of them but just until recently they didn't exist in our garden. But now this summer I've seen a few and I'm so scared that I'll step on one someday. I try to avoid places (especially after rain) where I know that there's a lot of them but now when they're just outside my own house it'll become harder for me to avoid them. My friends and family just think that I'm silly most of the time but it's actually a real problem for me and I'm not overreacting or seeking attention, because I'm horrified as fast as I see one. But anyways, I'm glad that I'm at least not the only one. :)
Im a man and i have this fckin phobia too. Especially when my friend found out that i am scared to snail and they see a snail.. Run.
Im a man and i have this fckin phobia too. Especially when my friend found out that i am scared to snail and they see a snail.. Run.
Okay I am so scared of these vile creatures too. The weird thing is that my sister, friend and I used to play with them in the backyard. Something happened between then and now and my sister and I are now terribly frightened of them. Whenever it rains I am so scared of coming across one that I need to pep talk myself beforehand! I was in New Zealand once and the path was covered in at least 10cm long slugs (it was dark outside) and I immediately started having a panic attack. Mum had to lead me into the house. I hate rain now. Stupid harmless, evil creatures
This is an old thread, but I am terrified of slugs and snails. I had one crawling on my stand up mixer once and can recall one getting into my hotel villa in Santorini, Greece.
Disgusting, awful creatures. My skin crawls thinking of them.
Okay, so this is a post about molluscophobia, which probably means that people who think they might have it will click on this post. So WHY THE HELL would you put that HORRIFIC picture at the bottom of the article? I literally JUMPED, and i happened to be standing next to a 10 foot drop when i did so. I now have a broken leg and a broken ankle. Thanks a bunch.
I really hate how people can never understand molluscophobia. It's like people constantly expect you to validate your fear like "why are you afraid of a slug?" I DON'T KNOW. LEAVE ME ALONE! And it's not something you can control. Every time I see one I just get this disturbing feeling inside, my breathing rate even increases (I'm not exaggerating) And everyone just thinks your being irrational because "a snail?" It sucks.
I also have molluscophobia since I was 6 years old if I was out in a room with a snail or a slug I would literally faint everyone thinks Im silly ´there to slow to get you´ but its not that, its a phobia and I cant control it
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