Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Little Erra

I have posted a few times about my Basset Cross, Ella. She is my heart. She is now a hefty 18kgs and growing. She has just turned 7 months, and she is still such a puppy. She sleeps in my bed with me. She is a tunneller, making her way under and down my duvet. Later emerging for some cool air. She is such a smart, smart dog. She is obsessed with tennis balls, soup bones, ropes, plastic flower pots and her Kong (which we stuff with peanut butter and Doggie Snax). She hides her toys under the couches, and then sticks her head underneath to moan, whine and bark at her lost items. She is also completely smitten with Caesar our Alsatian Cross. She bugs and bites him to no end, making him emit this high pitched whine, that drives us crazy. 

On Sunday my sister and I took them for a walk along the Sandspruit River, which runs along the boundary of the houses in my area. Our dogs love the walk. They are off their leashes, free to roam, run, shit, rub themselves in bird poop and mingle with other pooches. I had Ella's ball tosser loaded with new tennis ball. I was throwing, she was catching. We get to our usual stop off point by the water's edge, a sandbank. She runs onto the bank, ball in her mouth, which she promptly drops in the water. I watch it for a few seconds float on by me, sister hollering behind my head. I then attempt to retrieve the ball. Fail, fail, fail. I walk further along, placing my feet and self closer to the ball, unaware that Little Ella was bounding on behind me right into the water to save her toy. She however got swept up by the current, went scooting on her bottom down the green, moss and slime laden rocks, surfing the rapids, all the way down to the swirling water below. Swimming, swimming, oh the little legs that couldn't. Cayla screaming, screeching! I gingerly placed my feet on the slippery rocks in an attempt to save my child. Fail, fail, fail. Cayla still screaming. I go around the trees to a grassy embankment and show Little the way out. She clambers up and out. Safe. Drama over, well kinda. Cayla, is fuming and storms off. I let her walk it out. Ella is fine apart from being drenched to the bone, but full of beans. The walk back commences, and Ella attacks every sand trap on the way back. Oh hell dog, you are totally getting a wash. 

My Little Erra.

I got shave-ed for my oprayshun.
In my Winter Collection

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