Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gaga for Gaga

I adore Lady Gaga. She can do no wrong. Her voice, her music, her crazy, daring sense of style. She is one hundred percent my guilty pleasure. I sing her at the top of my lungs in my car. She is creative and not afraid of being unusual and deemed eccentric. She is highly exposed and highly commercial, but what singer gets into the music industry without bright lights in their eyes. She has the brightest. I really hope she keeps it going. She needs to keep that head screwed on. I am looking forward to what she works on in the future. Right now I am loving what she has going on. 

"...Give yourself prudence
and love your friends
subway kid, 
Rejoice your Truth

In the religion of the insecure,
I must be Myself, respect my youth..."
- Born This Way by Lady Gaga

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