Working late sucks sometimes. Especially when you are all on your lonesome in a cold and internetless office (yes we suffer from internetlessness). I am despising my ever impending, fast approaching, deadliest of deadlines. And I am going away on the Friday (this Friday) that my edit/s is due for. Good times. No stress (haha). However I believe I will get all this done in time. It's only 5 hours or so of footage to be done. No biggie. Bleh!
Oh and did I mention I got the nastiest of paper-cuts (a sure hospital admittance). Instant Karma I tell you. I was scanning these uber heavy photo albums for a client (for my edit). I made a comment... *slice*. Bleeding on someones beloved snapshots is always fun!
So on my drive home from said empty office I was listening to Rancid and this song was playing. Aaah, I think I could find meaning in a chappies wrapper. haha.
"Game over its no fun,
Got me on the run,
I’m gonna go get my gun,
Blam blam blam your done..."
- Travis Bickle by Rancid
I must add that I am by no means in "victim mode". I am just venting. I think it is good to do so. Keeping it all bottled up inside will make me don a trench coat and take up shooting friends for fun. hmmm.

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