Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Food for Thought

On Sunday night I went with my mom and Caroline to see "Julie and Julia". We do a movie every Sunday and quite frankly I forget about what I have gone to see the moment I walk out of the cinema. But "Julie and Julia" was different. The movie was lovely. But something about it got me completely inspired. It made me want to be a better (read more disciplined) blogger and it made me want to COOK! I love cooking and do not do it nearly enough. Sheesh, my friends claim I have never set foot in a kitchen. So I made a bold and loud proclamation to start cooking every night. To reignite my passion in a sense, hopefully not the kitchen. This movie had indeed given me the kick in the butt I needed. So... It is Tuesday and how many meals have I cooked for my family? Well, none yet. So I think I will have to start on Monday. As I am booked (socially that is) for the rest of the week. Le sigh. At least I have made a blog entry. I am being disciplined about one thing! I promise to myself and my family stomachs that I will cook (good) meals for them. And I will blog about it like my fellow-cooking-blogger Julie Powell, such an inspiration!

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