Monday, March 1, 2010

Ch-Ch-Changes... Lyric of the Day

Turn and face the strange...

Just gonna have to be a different man,
Time may change me,
But I can't trace time..."
- Changes by David Bowie

I am in the process of changing things in and around my life. I call 2010 my year of "Personal Reinvention". I actually started this process mid to late last year with what I called "living my authentic life".
So in October I deactivated my Facebook account, then in November I chose to live a "celibate"(no-fucking-around) lifestyle. In January I began a strict eating plan which even includes the elimination of alcohol. I have basically since January 25th been living a "straightedge" lifestyle, and it has been suiting me fantastically.
Even though I have made many steps in the right direction in my "reinvention" I still felt that there was something missing.

So I decided to become a Brunette. I had been a Blonde for about 3 years and all my friends and family knew me as a Blonde. This may sound silly and girly but I find that hair colour can be an incredibly important factor in a person's life. I have even posted about this previously (My theory). I stated that I will remain a Blonde, well that did not happen. We all change with time, and with it my hair's health. I kept this a secret from everybody and loved the reactions when people saw me for the first time. I know that I have made the right decision.

I am going to continue making the right decisions for me. I have been going to more gigs and shows and seeing the people I want to see. I have become a happier person. I am looking forward to tomorrow night's gig with Paul. I am looking forward to this month, the bachelorette, being a bridesmaid, the wedding, the new Grand Prix season, Ramfest, Joburg Burning and all the things that I have planned. I am looking forward to my tattoo with Sissy.I am looking forward to what this year has in store. I think the changes are going to be epic. Inside and out!

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