Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lyric of the Day

"Seize the day,
Take your beatings,
Lead the way,
Or decay as you fall down...
You fall down..."
- Bleeding is A Luxury by Atreyu

This is about as positive as Atreyu gets. I'll take it.

It is relevant to me as I have just started a super strict eating plan. I shall take this beating and if I fall down I shall decay. Okay, reading into it a bit much but I have been listening to their new album.
This eating plan is all part of my implementation of my year plan.

This is of course my year of personal reinvention.

Here is a smattering of some of my resolutions (if you will)
- I will no longer abuse my health or body
--- this extends to what I eat, drink, and my personal relationships.

- I will no longer "mess around",
---as the saying goes, "how can you expect someone to respect you if you have no respect for yourself".

- I will better myself financially,
--- I have made steps in the right direction in terms of this already. I have formed a company with Paul.
--- I will also invest wisely
--- I will also no longer make emotional purchases when it comes to things. I will weigh up the options and look at it from a logical angle.
--- I will also continue to save as I have been doing, my dad always says "pay yourself first".

- I will also continue to strive to live my authentic life.

- I will always seek to be kind to others (within reason haha) and will be as giving as I have been (within reason too).

- I will

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